
A girl's gotta dream.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Reflection

1. Different pieces of writing I've done this semester tends to be a lot of blog post, but I've also commented a lot, and I've been writing an original story. I'm really excited to write my original story, and I'm even going to use one of my blog posts in it. I don't do a lot of work in my journal- I actually quite enjoyed the blogging experience. 

2. I've read several posts by Kinzie, Taylor, Liana, Jessica, and Raven. They were all greatly written, and I think it was mainly the writing we did around Halloween that I've read and commented on. I haven't been able to do a lot of reading, unfortunately- in or out of class. I've read a couple books- Antigoddess and The Bane Chronicles. I enjoyed both books, I just wish I had time to read more. I may read over all- or most- blogs over winter break. 

3. Setting up my blog was a bit odd. I had no idea what I was doing- I had never blogged before. When we were asked to come up with a title for the blog, I stammered a bit. A name? I could hardly name a character let alone a blog. Either way, I knew I wanted something in the title about theatre. The Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen? No, that's too cliche, plus there's already a movie named that. The Confessions of a Teenage Theatre Queen? What am I confessing?! And calling myself a theatre Queen sounded horrible. The Confessions and Ramblings of a Teenage Theatre Kid? What a mouthful, but I guess it worked. It's not like I could come up with anything cool. I didn't expect anyone to read it, so I suppose a longer name was okay. I think I'll continue using it though. Maybe post clips of my original story so you could read it. Random clips that I'm dying to write, but have no where to put them. I like that idea,

4. Journaling is...a bit awkward for me, honestly. When I was younger, I could never keep a diary, and a journal reminds me so much of the one I failed to keep up with as a child. I love writing- especially by hand- but keeping up with it was a bit weird. 

5. I wrote this a while back when we were talking about Maya Angelo, and is inspired by her Caged Bird poem. I really liked this poem, I thought it was semi-notable. 

I know why she apologizes as she hides behind the curtain of hairand waits till the topic changeswhile silently cursing her stupidity.

I know why her story trails off as her eyes dance across those who surround herand she bites her lip while trying to focus on something else.

She wasn't made for this worldand her crushing insecuritieswhile waiting for someone to care. 

She was meant to be freeto travelto satisfy her never ending curiosityto laugh freely without care.

But she bottled up her freedomand her wanderlustand tucked away her curiosityand forces her laughteras she focuses her thoughts on something else. 

6. Another piece of writing that I liked was Pillow Talk. I probably shouldn't like something that was so depressing, but its certainly one of my favorites. 

"The pain in her chest was unbearable, and she curled in on herself. She hadn’t done a damn thing to deserve this pain. She clutched her pillow desperately as she gasped in pain, closing her eyes tightly. And then- just like that- the pain begun to fade. She sniffled as she lifted her tear-streaked face from the pillow. Whimpers of pain escaped her, but even her whimpering was lessening. She sighed before a hiccup overtook her, and she ran a hand through her messy hair."

It just goes to show that everything will pass. Nothing is permanent. 

7. In the future, I really hope to become a writer. I love writing stories about far off places, or people that exist that shouldn't. I'm currently writing an actual story, and I'm hoping to get it finished before I graduate. I'm no where near done at the moment, but I'm getting there!

8. I'm not exactly the best with words of encouragement, but I guess I'll give it a shot. 

Try and find your passion in this world. Whether it be writing, music, gymnastics, find something that brings you joy. Find something the you never what to stop doing- something you can't see yourself without. Never let it go. If you ever get frustrated with it, take a break. But never forget about it. Find your happiness in this world, and never let it go.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, Alexis! I do hope you will continue to write and blog if it makes you happy. I have enjoyed getting to know you very much, and I look forward to seeing what creative and interesting things life has in store for you. My best wishes to you, lovely girl.
