
A girl's gotta dream.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Something Bad (An Equilibrium Blurb)

Jenna sighed as she laid strewn across her borrowed bed. It was on the verge of three o'clock in the morning, and her brain refused to let her sleep for a second- which was ridiculous. She needed time to process Encia, but apparently her subconscious disagreed. She huffed in frustration before sitting up. She bit the inside of her lip in contemplation as her eyes scanned the room for something- anything- to hold her attention. When she caught sight of the silver door knob, a mischievous smile spread across her lips- no one ever said that she couldn't going exploring at three a.m.

She slid off of her bed, her bare feet touching the cool stone beneath her, and the edge of her nightgown brushed against the back of her knees. She silently glided across the ground to the door, and lightly touched the sliver knob. Slowly, she opened the door, thankful that the door didn't creak open. She glanced down the corridor, but there was no one around. A smile graced her lips as she stepped out of her room, and let the door close behind her.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Jenna's breathing hitched as she spun on her heel to see Sarah leaning against the wall across from her, a smirk planted firmly on her lips. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jenna spared her a withering glance before walking away. 

"Come on, Jenna, talk to me," Sarah said as she followed after the other girl. She huffed when Jenna didn't respond, and simply kept walking. 

"Jenna, please talk to me," Sarah begged. Jenna's fingers trailed over the brick walls, the gritty texture keeping her focus away from Sarah. "Jenna, please!" 

"What do you want me to say, Sarah?" Jenna snapped as she turned to face her. "That I'm excited you're here? That I'm so happy to see you? Sarah, you shouldn't even be here!" 

"Don't you think I know that?" She asked, her voice raising in desperation, "There are no other ghosts here, no one but you can see me, and I can't shake this foreboding sense that something seriously bad is about to happen." 

"Maybe you should take that as a sign to move on." Jenna spun on her heel to continue down the hall- she didn't want to be caught arguing with herself. 

"Believe me, I would if I could. You're not exactly the best of company." Jenna laughed bitterly as she glanced over at Sarah. 

"Like you're any better. All you do is moan and groan about being dead, and then blame me for it." 

"You were the one driving that night-" 

"He ran into us, Sarah!" Jenna shouted as she froze in the middle of the hall. "He was the one that totaled my car, he's the reason you're dead, so why don't you go haunt him?" Sarah looked shocked. Jenna had never lost her temper towards Sarah, she had always put up with Sarah's antics. When she turned to see Sarah still there with wide, glossy eyes, she threw her hands up in frustration. 

"Go!" Her entire body seemed to dissolve into mist, and Jenna heaved a sigh of relief. Her stomach churned as the meaning behind Sarah's words hit her. No other spirits? Jenna was the only one to see her? Maybe Sarah was right- maybe something bad was happening in Encia. 

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