
A girl's gotta dream.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Mirror

I gripped her hand tighter in mine as strobe lights flickered in the room.
“Ready?” I asked the other girls as we stare towards our reflections- the pulsing lights illuminating jerky movements. Murmurs of agreement rippled through the three of them. And I took a deep breath.
“Bloody Mary,” I said softly, and Natalie gripped my hand tighter.
“Bloody Mary,” We chorused together, “Bloody Mary.”
As soon as the words left our lips for the third time the bathroom door was yanked open with a loud creak. A shriek left our lips as we stumbled away from the door, and the lights flickered on.
“What are you, twelve?” Chrissy asked incredulously. “Keep the lights on, I’m not peeing in the dark.”
Chrissy was hardly five feet tall, but she could scare a grown man with a single look. She stomped off into one of the stalls, and I glanced at the other girls to see their reactions. They began to relax as we all exchanged looks before laughter bubbled its way out of my throat. I suppose laughter was contagious because the next thing I knew, we were all laughing.
My eyes strayed back to the mirror, and my breath caught in my throat. Standing beside me was a girl with long dark hair, and pale blue eyes. Blood covered the front of her dress, and seemed to come from the wound on her neck. Her head tilted lightly to the side as though she couldn’t figure out why I was staring at her.
“Cupcake?” A hand touched my shoulder, and my eyes shifted to the girl next to me.
“Are you okay?” Cassie asked as her hand fell back to her side. I glanced back at the mirror- did they really not see her?- but she was gone.
“You look ready to pass out,” Allyson spoke up. I glanced at my own reflection and noticed how horribly pale I had gotten.
“I’m fine,” I mumbled as I tried to get over the sudden terror I felt. “I think my sugar’s just crashing. I’m just going to grab something from concessions real quick.” I don’t think I could have left the bathroom faster.

I wasn’t prepared for school the next day. When I walked in the doors, everyone was uncharacteristically somber. I had no clue what was going on until the announcements came on in second block. After I heard the news that Allyson had killed herself in the theatre last night I was numb. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t focus on anything. I found myself in the boy’s dressing room next to the stage right after school. The performance that night had been rescheduled so we could have a memorial for her, but I didn’t care. I sat on the couch in the dressing room and stared at the spot of dried blood on the ground, and the place where the large vanity mirror once sat. From what I could gather, Allyson shattered the mirror before using one of the shards to slice open her throat. My eyes raked over the room as I tried to fathom a reason as to why this happened. When I caught sight of a piece of mirror that had somehow stayed in the frame, I knew. Because staring at me from the reflection was the same girl I saw in the bathroom mirror yesterday. A vicious smirk curled her lips before she disappeared.

The next two days followed in the same manner, Natalie and Cassie were both found near the theatre with shattered mirrors and slit throats. Cassie had been found in the girls dressing room, where as Natalie was found in the bathroom adjacent to the auditorium. I had been numb the past three days- what were you supposed to do when an urban legend comes alive and kills your friends?
I was next, I knew I was. But I didn’t think she’d find me. The school had been closed for a few days due to the rash of suicides, and the police were actually looking into it to find a reason behind them. I knew they wouldn’t find anything.
I was a wreck. I hardly ate, hardly slept, hell I hardly got out of bed. My mom tried to drag me out, but eventually gave up. She couldn’t do anything- no one could. After everyone went to bed one night, I found myself wandering into the kitchen. I knew it was stupid, but I just wanted sleep. I took a large dose of Nyquil and prayed that it knocked me out. It worked.
I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again. The mirror I had was leaning again the wall- it was a simple full length mirror. Slowly I got up and walked over to it. I probably shouldn’t have approached the mirror when I was half awake, but I did. Looking into the mirror, I didn’t think anything was amiss. I shrugged off the foreboding feeling I was getting- there was no one here, and I was probably just imagining it. But when I turned around to go back to bed, she was there. The smirk was still present on her face, and the blood that nearly covered her entirely looked fresh.
I didn’t know what would happen next. When she suddenly reached up and shoved me back into the mirror, I began to understand. It was my turn. All of the other girls were gone, and now it was time for me to go as well. The mirror shattered with the force she had shoved me with, and my body broke the frame. I could faintly hear my parents stirring over the sound of their fans, but I knew they would arrive too late. It all happened so quickly- she grabbed a shard of glass, and a sharp pain spread over my neck. I could still feel the warm blood escape me and trail down my neck.

I could hear my mother stumble into the room, and her sobbing as she caught sight of my body. Of my dad screaming in agony and disbelief. I could hear my brother ask- with sleep lacing his voice- what was wrong. I could see her- I could see Mary- standing behind all of them with that damn smirk still present on her face. And then, nothing.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Spirits (And Other Creatures That Go Bump In The Night)

While trick-or-treating, my friends and I decided to explore a dark street we had never noticed before. Looking back now, I realized just how stupid that was. Going down that street would start a domino effect that I wouldn't have a chance in hell stopping. But that thought didn't even cross my mind before we started down the street.

The red cloak I bought for my costume billowed out behind me as I walked, and my friends chatted happily around me. A smile pulled on my lips as Ariel nudged me with her arm. True to her name, she wore a bright red wig with a child’s Little Mermaid tiara on top of her head. She was dressed in modern clothes, but anyone with a childhood could tell who she was.

“Snickers?” She offered with amusement in her eyes, and candy in hand. I feigned horror at the offer before a smile broke across my lips at our inside joke. The light of the full moon broke through the trees as we continued down the street- why we were walking this street escaped me. A howl pierced the air, and startled us all. The eerie sound lasted for a few seconds- it sounded awfully close- before dying down. If I knew then what I knew now, I would have ran.

“What the crap was that?” Emmi asked as she turned to look at us, her yellow shirt flowing around her. With her hands on her hips, she glared at the surrounding area, but the fact that she was dressed as Snow White made her less intimidating.

“Maybe it was a wolf,” I suggested as I tried to keep the smile off my face. She sent a withering look my way before Liana spoke up.

“In Missouri?” She asked as she popped a piece of candy in her mouth. The fact that she was dressed as a dragon may have been intimidating if she hadn’t chosen a dragon from an animated movie. But props to the black outfit with large green eyes.

“It’s Halloween you non-believers,” I told them. Sure, I was being sarcastic- the howling was probably from a dog- but there was no need to rain on my parade.

“Shun the non-believers!” Ariel said as she linked her arm through mine, a laugh escaping my lips at the reference. We continued to recite lines from the idiotic video as we made our way down the street again. A snarling sound from in between two nearby houses stopped us dead in our tracks.

I glanced over to see a large, dark shape walk out of a figure emerge from the shadows. It was a male from what I could tell, but I wasn’t too focused on what he looked like, rather the fangs protruding from his gums. His hands were claws at his sides, and his eyes flicker dangerously between the three of us.

In the blink of an eye, he darted towards us, and tackled Ariel to the ground. A shriek escaped our lips as she yelped in pain- her head smacking into the ground. In one quick, jerky movement the man had snapped her neck.

“Oh my God,” Emmi breathed. The sound captured the man’s attention, and before any of us could move, he had snapped her neck, too. Liana turned to run, but the man had already caught up to her.
Tears clouded my eyes as I stood rooted in the spot and the sickening crunch of bone breaking rippled in the air. I didn’t know what to do- my friends were lying there on the pavement with snapped necks, and all I could do was stand there.

The man’s eerie eyes turned to me, a snarl vibrating through his body. A strangled sob wracked my body as he began to stalk towards me. This was it- this was the end. My friends were dead, and I was next. Two gun shots suddenly rang through the air, causing me to flinch. The man fell to the ground as blood began to pour around him. Footsteps pounded the pavement as two men ran up, the taller one bent to check on the man they shot as the other glanced at my costume.

“Red Riding Hood? Are you frickin’ kidding me?” He asked, his voice rough, and disbelieving.

“Dean,” The other one said in exasperation. He stood from the ground, and walked over to where I was standing. I flinched- involuntary- and took a step back. The man stopped about two feet away before offering me a quick smile.

“My name’s Sam,” He said before gesturing to the other male with his head, “That idiot over there is my brother, Dean. Are you alright?”

What a ridiculous question. Before I got the chance to respond, the world turned sideways before everything went dark.

My favorite Halloween treat…? Candy corn, sprees, or any form of chocolate. I really like candy and any form of sugary products. My parents think I have a problem, but I think they’re crazy.

In the past years I've been Cinderella, Belle (multiple times for both princesses) a witch, a vampire, Dorothy, a Greek Goddess, Red Riding Hood, and a gypsy. I love dressing up so much. I’ll probably wear my Red Riding Hood costume again but with wounds this time- Little Red is one of my favorite costumes.

Friday, October 24, 2014

You Shook Me

Here’s my narrative poem inspired by You Shook Me by AC/DC!

Bass thumps from the speakers

as I fly down the highway

with sunglasses filtering the sunlight

and a smile curving my lips.

Home’s a distant point in my rear-view mirror

and freedom stretches in front of me

but I can’t make a run for it yet.

I have a friend that craves her freedom

a way out

and I’m more than willing to help.

Lyric Shuffle

Lyric Shuffle!! I’m not sure why most of my poems and short stories have a depressing undertone, but that’s how they turned out. This poem is a mash up of All of Me (Loves All of You), Boom Clap, and- I’m 99% sure- Rude.

My head’s under water

But I’m breathing fine

Just like a drug

The magic in my veins

Got my head spinning,

Stars shining

And I’m so dizzy,

What’s going on

The sound in my heart

Goes on and on and on and on

Music To My Ears

Well, I wasn't here on Tuesday when we interviewed teachers, and I honestly forgot about it. I’ll interview a few teachers today, and update this post. Till then, here are my answers.
The radio stations I usually listen to in the car are normally some of my parents choosing. I sing along with the country music, and can- for the most part- sing along with their old school tunes.
I really wish I could go to concerts. I love music, and hopefully I can go to The House on Cliff’s concert in December. I have no clue where they’ll be or when, but I’ll go.

Monday, October 20, 2014

If The Music Is Too Loud, You're Too Old.

Without music my life would tragically dull, and so not worth it. Yes, I’m one of those teenagers that believes music is my life. Sue me. When words fail, music is always there. When I’m super ticked at my parents I’ll plug in my headphones and blare The Killers. It’s quite effective. Music can actually tell you more about a person then they ever could. When you listen to a song, it’s more than just notes strung together. The words that accompany the notes are so symbolic, and have so many different ways to interpret them. I think it’s beautiful. Music can sometimes be poetry. The one line that I always think of when it comes to poetry and music is from Rent (yes, it’s a Broadway musical). Why are entire years strewn/On the cutting room floor of memories?/When single frames from one magic night/Forever flicker in close-up on the 3-D Imax of my mind/That's poetic, that's pathetic. Mark may be just a smidge sarcastic, but hey, one of his friends just died. Other than that, there are a crap ton of Adele songs that sound pretty poetic to me. Mainly Make You Feel My Love on her 19 album. I feel like my taste of music has changed for the better. In middle school, I was one of those people who listened to 3OH!3, P!NK, Ke$ha, and Neon Trees. Yes, I was one of those kids. Now, I’ve strayed away from ‘pop’ artist, but my taste still varies. I bounce between Adele (Make You Feel My Love), The Killers, David Nail, various Broadway artists, American Authors… Okay, so if I keep listing artists we’re going to be here for a very long time. I really like the slower, jazzy songs like Etta James At Last. I’m kinda old school. Does music have the power to heal? Well… Man, what a loaded question. Obviously it doesn’t physically heal, but emotionally? Potentially.I’m not generally a person who shares things about themselves. Let’s just say that I’ve been in a bad place multiple times before (who hasn’t?). There really wasn’t much that could snap me out of my funk, but music surely could. If you close your eyes and listen to a slow song (I recommend Make You Feel My Love, At Last, or Birdy’s Skinny Love) you can focus on something else. You can listen to Etta James’ voice to heal you, or Adele’s to lull you to sleep. It takes time- healing of any kind does- but you’ll get there.Eventually.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Keeping It Reel

  • Well, at work- I work at the Palace here in Springfield- it says my favorite movie is Grease. It should actually say Rent. Yes, Rent is a Broadway musical. I like Broadway.The main thing about Rent that I love is how much truth is in it. Sure it's a musical, but it's a group of friends slumming it in New York and quite a few of them are dealing with AIDS. It's full of raw, truthful statements that makes you question so much. Plus it's from Broadway.

  • Most times, I really don't like watching chick-flicks. They're super corny. Or nature documentaries- they're so boring!

  • Well, since I work at a movie theatre now, I can get into as many as I want for free. In the past two weeks I've been to five movies. I actually really enjoy it. I watch movies either at home or at the Palace.

  • Normally for a movie I have soda and candy- no, I didn't get them from concessions. I would smuggle them inside with an overly large purse, but since I work in a movie soda I get free popcorn and soda. I don't mind going alone either, it's kinda nice actually. 

  • My two highest psychological uses for watching movies are aggression (80%) and sensation seeking (85%) which means I watch violent movies to release anger and tension while also being a movie adrenaline junkie. Also, I'm 42% emotionally stable. Thanks for that. 

  • If my life was made into a movie it would be the weirdest movie ever. God save whoever watches it since a majority of it would be in theatre and have a ton of theatre kids in it.

Dan In Real Life

Dan In Real Life Q&A

30) Are you a good bowler?

The answer to that would be a resounding no, and coupled with hysterical laughter. Nice try though.

27) Are teenagers hard on their parents?

At times I’d suppose. I mean, it’s not like we can help it. We’re children that are attempting to deal with raging hormones that don’t make any sense to us and we lash out. Other times, our parents are fairly harsh on us. My dad laughed at me this morning because I wanted to go to Kansas City to visit art museums. Excuse me for wanting to see Van Gough and Monet paintings in real life. My bad.

15) What’s something about you most people don’t know?

Well, telling you would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it? Oh well.

I don’t know. I like to think I’m a pretty open book despite the deep-dark-secrets everyone has. So not telling you guys that.

I suppose not everyone knows how much I love Broadway musical soundtracks or my love for Supernatural. I also have an undying love for tattoo.

I’m positively in love with the 20’s. No. Joke. So excited for 2020 because it’ll be the 20’s again. Maybe jazz music, swing dancing, and flappers can make a comeback. Here’s to hoping!

9) What makes someone a “hottie” for you?

Their personality. If they can’t make me laugh, aren’t kind to others, or can’t deal with sarcasm then there’s no way I could be with them. I speak sarcasm better than I speak English. That, and they have to make me think. Most people probably don’t know, but I love anything that makes me think. Like Lucy- such a good movie, but if you don’t pay attention and don’t think about it a bit you’ll be lost. They have to challenge me a bit, and if I like them, then I’ll stick with them.

Symmetrical facial features are a plus.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Through The Window

I see the rain
streaking down the glass,
the drops of water racing against
the others
leaving tracks in its wake.

A father rushes through the rain across the street
carrying his daughter to my neighbor's door
dropping her off for the day
I'm assuming my neighbors run a small daycare
and preferably not a fight club for children.

The neighbors are always up to something
whether it's running a daycare
or cleaning out their house
with the biggest dumpster ever
sitting in their driveway.

The wind blows fiery leaves
across the lawn, and I'd
worry about the safety of the
privacy fence between my yard
and Debbie's,
but it's already fallen over.
One of her turtles-
who knew she had turtles?-
crawled into our backyard the week before.
My dog tried to eat it.

An ambulance siren wails in the distance
as it makes its way to
the latest car crash,
and thunder rumbles from above.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Boxcars and Monsters (Edward Hopper's Boxcar Painting)

Her feet thumped against the ground as gravel flew behind her. Relief flooded her once she spotted the boxcar, but the animalistic roar behind her had her heart thumping harder. She pushed herself to run faster- if she could only get to the box car, she may be safe. For a few minutes at least.

She took a running dive at the opened door of the boxcar, and quickly spun around to slam the door shut. Sunlight filtered in through an open slot on the roof, and she was grateful. She pulled her backpack off of her shoulders, and sat it directly below the sunlight. She knelt on the ground as she searched through her bag, nearly crying tears of joy as she found the wrapped vial of Greek fire.

She unwrapped it with shaking hands as she tried to think clearly. She had a plan in mind, but it could very well kill her. She decided not to dwell on that fact- there was a chance she could die every day, but that hasn’t stopped her yet. She tossed the fabric she used to wrap the vial on the ground, and a smile tugged on her lips as the silver fabric shimmered before growing in size. She reached into the fabric, her smile growing as she pulled out her favorite bow. With a sigh, she placed it next to her as she begun to work.
She had to get this monster- the Minotaur- off of her tail. The minutes past by quickly as she work, her fingers flying over the objects in front of her. Luckily for her, she was done just in time.

As the door to the boxcar flew open, she stood, and notched her arrow. She pulled the arrow back, praying that the vial of Greek fire she tied onto it wouldn’t affect her aim. Pure instinct took over as she let the arrow fly, grinning when the arrow burst into green flames- said flames engulfing the Minotaur seconds later.

She laughed without humor, merely at the sheer dumb luck she had today as the monster dissolved into golden powder. She didn’t mind that her arrow had been reduced to ashes as well, nor did she mind the fact that Greek fire blocked her exit. She tossed her bag out of the open slot in the roof, and managed to jump high enough to grab the edge. She hoisted herself onto the roof with a small smile. Glancing at the sky, she nodded in the sun’s direction.

“Thanks, dad,” she said quietly, knowing her father would hear her before continuing on her latest journey.     

Monday, October 6, 2014

In the Mirror

 The gold laurel sat perfectly 
on her golden hair
and she tugged on the red velvet blanket
as her lips pulled into a smirk.
She knew her reflection
did not compare to 
the perfection the mortals would see
if they were lucky enough
to catch a glimpse at 
the face of love.
A sigh fell from her parted lips
as she looked at her reflection
with disdain heavy in her heart. 
Her beauty could not rival that
of Venus' perfection
of the goddess' golden hair
or her fair complexion that held
no blemish in sight
and had every mortal man
falling at her feet.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Pillow Talk

A gasp escaped her lips as she pressed a hand over space her heart occupied. Why was it so hard to breathe? She bit her lip to keep from whimpering in pain- it felt as though someone had reached into her chest and begun squeezing her heart. She pressed her palm into her chest- vainly thinking that would release some pressure- as tears clouded her sight. Panic coursed through her veins as she tried desperately to get her breathing in check, and bit harshly on her lip. 

What the hell was happening? What had she done to deserve this? A strangled sob escaped her lips, and she blindly reached to her left to grab a pillow. She buried her face into the wrinkled fabric as sobs wracked her body. She wasn’t too worried about her parents walking in- it was three o’clock in the morning, and their fans covered the sounds of her sobs.

The pain in her chest was unbearable, and she curled in on herself. She hadn’t done a damn thing to deserve this pain. She clutched her pillow desperately as she gasped in pain, closing her eyes tightly. And then- just like that- the pain begun to fade. She sniffled as she lifted her tear-streaked face from the pillow. Whimpers of pain escaped her, but even her whimpering was lessening. She sighed before a hiccup overtook her, and she ran a hand through her messy hair.

The pain wasn’t exactly a new experience, but never before had it been so excruciating. It was normally just a dull pain the lasted throughout the day. She couldn’t tell her parents either- they’d simply shrug it off as being a teenager, and ‘growing pains’ as her mother called them.

She sighed once again, and was glad that her breathing finally evened out. No, she wouldn’t tell anyone about this.