
A girl's gotta dream.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Through The Window

I see the rain
streaking down the glass,
the drops of water racing against
the others
leaving tracks in its wake.

A father rushes through the rain across the street
carrying his daughter to my neighbor's door
dropping her off for the day
I'm assuming my neighbors run a small daycare
and preferably not a fight club for children.

The neighbors are always up to something
whether it's running a daycare
or cleaning out their house
with the biggest dumpster ever
sitting in their driveway.

The wind blows fiery leaves
across the lawn, and I'd
worry about the safety of the
privacy fence between my yard
and Debbie's,
but it's already fallen over.
One of her turtles-
who knew she had turtles?-
crawled into our backyard the week before.
My dog tried to eat it.

An ambulance siren wails in the distance
as it makes its way to
the latest car crash,
and thunder rumbles from above.

1 comment:

  1. I really love the stanza about the fence and the turtles...and yes, let's hope there's not a toddler fight club across the street from you.
