
A girl's gotta dream.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Dan In Real Life

Dan In Real Life Q&A

30) Are you a good bowler?

The answer to that would be a resounding no, and coupled with hysterical laughter. Nice try though.

27) Are teenagers hard on their parents?

At times I’d suppose. I mean, it’s not like we can help it. We’re children that are attempting to deal with raging hormones that don’t make any sense to us and we lash out. Other times, our parents are fairly harsh on us. My dad laughed at me this morning because I wanted to go to Kansas City to visit art museums. Excuse me for wanting to see Van Gough and Monet paintings in real life. My bad.

15) What’s something about you most people don’t know?

Well, telling you would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it? Oh well.

I don’t know. I like to think I’m a pretty open book despite the deep-dark-secrets everyone has. So not telling you guys that.

I suppose not everyone knows how much I love Broadway musical soundtracks or my love for Supernatural. I also have an undying love for tattoo.

I’m positively in love with the 20’s. No. Joke. So excited for 2020 because it’ll be the 20’s again. Maybe jazz music, swing dancing, and flappers can make a comeback. Here’s to hoping!

9) What makes someone a “hottie” for you?

Their personality. If they can’t make me laugh, aren’t kind to others, or can’t deal with sarcasm then there’s no way I could be with them. I speak sarcasm better than I speak English. That, and they have to make me think. Most people probably don’t know, but I love anything that makes me think. Like Lucy- such a good movie, but if you don’t pay attention and don’t think about it a bit you’ll be lost. They have to challenge me a bit, and if I like them, then I’ll stick with them.

Symmetrical facial features are a plus.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen some interesting shows on the power of symmetry in the human face (and elsewhere). And I'm with you on the personality part--I need someone smart and funny and smart enough to get my own subtle humor...
