
A girl's gotta dream.

Friday, September 26, 2014


"Hello?" Her voice was rough from not being used in so long. 

"Is anyone there? Is anyone listening?" She held the small speaker in hand as she listened to the crackling of the old radio. She bit on her lip as tears sprung to her eyes. 

"I didn't think so," she whispered as she sat the speaker down. A harsh sob wracked her body before she could stop herself, and she ran a hand through her tangled red locks. God, she couldn't believe this. She had been locked in this school for two hundred days- yes, she still kept count. All because the Center for Disease Control couldn't keep their shit together. How wonderful.If she closed her eyes, she could remember how it was before.

Before that damned vaccine came out, everything was fine. She was in theatre, she had friends, she had a life. But that all changed after the newest vaccine came out. She doesn’t know what went wrong- she didn’t even know what it was for, she hadn’t needed it- but a month after the vaccine came out...
Things changed. The C.D.C. tried to recall the vaccine, but it was too late. Those that had the injection became ill, and then… Well, she wasn’t sure how to explain it. The injected started to get super hungry- not the I’d-kill-for-a-big-mac kind of hungry, it was more of the I’d-kill-for-a-small-intestine hungry. 

Chaos ensued. No one understood, and that’s what caused such a panic. The fear of the unknown can make people go insane. They couldn’t wrap their head around the fact that their loved ones suddenly wanted to rip open their chest cavities, and eat their heart out. Literally.

Now, here she was. Stuck inside the High School- no one had thought to barricade themselves in there- and completely alone. It wouldn’t surprise her if she was the last person on earth. The last time she saw anyone was when shit hit the fan.
With a trembling sigh, she dragged the back of her hand across her tear stained face. She reached over to turn the radio off, but froze as a voice cut through the static.

“Hello? Anyone still out there?”

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