
A girl's gotta dream.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tail Light

 Cars whipped past her in a furious frenzy, but she paid them no mind, and simply tried to keep her hands from shaking. Maybe this was childish of her, but all she could think of was his taunting smirk. This was a game for him- he didn't even care about her. Her fingernails dug into her palms as she tried to focus.


 She was so lost in thought that she hardly heard the car door slam behind her. No matter how quick her steps were due to anger, someone else was faster. 

 A rag was shoved over her mouth and nose as an arm was wrapped tightly around her, binding her arms to her body. She yelped in surprise, and tried to get away, but she had already inhaled the sweet toxin. Her eyes fluttered shut as her legs gave out from under her. 


 Her attacker caught her as she fell, scooping her into his arms easily. He didn't worry about dropping the rag, simply shoving her into the trunk of his car. He glanced around to see if anyone witnessed his heinous act. A malicious grin spread across his lips as a cold glint flickered across his eyes at the sight of the barren road.


 He slid into the drivers seat with sadistic glee that he had caught the girl. He started his car, tail lights glowing a brilliant red before driving off with his stolen prize.   

1 comment:

  1. This could totally happen. So scary. You do a nice job of depicting the attacker as one who takes such twisted pleasure in someone else's pain.
